Web www.gerd-tentler.de
Version 1.6 (released July 16, 2009) [Download]


Insert your ticker entries (var tickerEntries) and adapt the configuration to your needs. Then insert this line into your HTML body where you want the ticker to appear:
<script type="text/javascript" src="ticker.js"></script>
You should also put the following line on top of your HTML page:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
This is necessary to fix the CSS box model bug of Internet Explorer.

NOTE: The actual width of the ticker DIV depends on the text length of your ticker messages. You can of course set the visible ticker area to any size you wish, but this has no effect on the actual width. If the actual width is bigger than the width of your browser window, a horizontal scrollbar might appear. You can avoid this by putting the page with the ticker script into a frameset with scrollbars turned off.
