Web www.gerd-tentler.de
Version 4.10 (released Jan. 7, 2012) [Download]


The BarGraph class creates the graph and returns the corresponding HTML code.


See examples below.

  • values => graph data: list
  • type => graph type: "hBar" (default), "vBar", "pBar", "fader"
  • graphBGColor => graph background color: string
  • graphBorder => graph border: string (CSS-spec: "size style color", e.g. "1px solid black")
  • graphPadding => graph padding: integer (pixels)
  • titles => titles: list or string with comma-separated values
  • titleColor => title span color: string
  • titleBGColor => title background color: string
  • titleBorder => title border: string (CSS-spec: "size style color", e.g. "1px solid black")
  • titlespan => title span family: string (CSS-spec, e.g. "Arial, Helvetica")
  • titleSize => title span size: integer (pixels)
  • titleAlign => title text align: "left", "center", or "right"
  • titlePadding => title padding: integer (pixels)
  • labels => label names: list or string with comma-separated values
  • labelColor => label span color: string
  • labelBGColor => label background color: string
  • labelBorder => label border: string (CSS-spec: "size style color", e.g. "1px solid black")
  • labelspan => label span family: string (CSS-spec, e.g. "Arial, Helvetica")
  • labelSize => label span size: integer (pixels)
  • labelAlign => label text align: "left", "center", or "right"
  • labelSpace => additional space between labels: integer (pixels)
  • barWidth => bar width: integer (pixels)
  • barLength => bar length ratio: float (from 0.1 to 2.9, default = 1.0)
  • barColors => bar colors OR bar images: list or string with comma-separated values
  • barBGColor => bar background color: string
  • barBorder => bar border: string (CSS-spec: "size style color", e.g. "1px solid black")
  • barLevelColors => bar level colors: ascending list (bLevel, bColor[,...]); draw bars >= bLevel with bColor
  • showValues => show values: integer (0 = % only [default], 1 = abs. and %, 2 = abs. only, 3 = none)
  • baseValue => base value: integer or float (only hBar and vBar)
  • absValuesColor => abs. values span color: string
  • absValuesBGColor => abs. values background color: string
  • absValuesBorder => abs. values border: string (CSS-spec: "size style color", e.g. "1px solid black")
  • absValuesspan => abs. values span family: string (CSS-spec, e.g. "Arial, Helvetica")
  • absValuesSize => abs. values span size: integer (pixels)
  • absValuesPrefix => abs. values prefix: string (e.g. "$")
  • absValuesSuffix => abs. values suffix: string (e.g. " kg")
  • percValuesColor => perc. values span color: string
  • percValuesspan => perc. values span family: string (CSS-spec, e.g. "Arial, Helvetica")
  • percValuesSize => perc. values span size: integer (pixels)
  • percValuesDecimals => perc. values number of decimals: integer
  • charts => number of charts: integer
hBar / vBar only:
  • legend => legend items: list or string with comma-separated values
  • legendColor => legend span color: string
  • legendBGColor => legend background color: string
  • legendBorder => legend border: string (CSS-spec: "size style color", e.g. "1px solid black")
  • legendspan => legend span family: string (CSS-spec, e.g. "Arial, Helvetica")
  • legendSize => legend span size: integer (pixels)
  • legendAlign => legend vertical align: "top", "center", "bottom"
  • legendAbsValues => view abs. values in legend: 1 = yes, 0 = no
Example #1 (simple bar graph):
graph = graphs.BarGraph('hBar')
graph.values = [380, 150, 260, 310, 430]
print graph.create()
Example #2 (grouped bars with legend):
graph = graphs.BarGraph('hBar')
graph.values = [(50, 30, 40), (60, 80, 50), (70, 40, 60)]
graph.legend = ['cats', 'dogs', 'birds']
print graph.create()
Progress bars and faders are a bit different from the other graph types. You have to specify two values for each bar: The first one is the actual value, the second one is the maximum value of the progress bar or fader, i.e. the value that equals 100%. If you want to create multiple progress bars or faders, just put their value pairs into tuples.

Example #3 (single progress bar):
graph = graphs.BarGraph('pBar')
graph.values = [123, 456]
print graph.create()
Example #4 (multiple progress bars with labels):
graph = graphs.BarGraph('pBar')
graph.values = [(50, 100), (60, 100), (70, 100)]
graph.labels = ['cats', 'dogs', 'birds']
print graph.create()
