Web www.gerd-tentler.de
Version 2.17 (released Feb. 21, 2023) [Download]


Include the CALENDAR class into your PHP script and create a new instance:
$myCal = new CALENDAR();                  // view current month
If you don't want to view the current month, you can set year and month like this:
$myCal = new CALENDAR(2004, 12);          // view December 2004
$myCal = new CALENDAR(2004);              // view January 2004
You can also set year and month by using the according properties:
$myCal = new CALENDAR();
$myCal->year = 2004;
$myCal->month = 12;
Since version 2.10, it is also possible to view only a certain week of the selected month:
$myCal = new CALENDAR();
$myCal->year = 2009;
$myCal->month = 11;
$myCal->week = 45;
NOTE: I'm using my own functions to calculate the dates. Thus the calendar range is from year 1 to year 3999 and not affected by any PHP or operating system restrictions. Also note that this script applies both, the Gregorian and the Julian calendar, so it can be used to view historically correct dates.

Adapt the configuration to your needs:
$myCal->tFontFace = "Comic Sans MS";      // change font face for title (month)
$myCal->hFontSize = 3;                    // change font size for heading (weekdays)
$myCal->dFontColor = "#808080";           // change font color for days
$myCal->offset = 2;                       // start week with Monday
$myCal->link = "path/to/my/page.php";     // set page to link to when day is clicked
Use the function viewEvent to add events to the calendar. It takes the following arguments:
viewEvent(start day, end day, color, title, [link])
// view seminar "How to use HTML-Calendar" from 6th to 8th with color #E0E0FF
$myCal->viewEvent(6, 8, "#E0E0FF", "Seminar "How to use HTML-Calendar"");

// view Peter's birthday on 7th with color #A0B0C0
$myCal->viewEvent(7, 7, "#A0B0C0", "Peter's birthday");

// view trip to Hawaii from 15th to 19th with color #D0FFD0 and link
$myCal->viewEvent(15, 19, "#D0FFD0", "Trip to Hawaii!", "/trips/hawaii/index.php");
The function viewEventEach can be used to view events on specific weekdays. It takes the following arguments:
viewEventEach(weekday, color, title, [link])
The argument weekday must be a number between 0 (Saturday) and 6 (Friday). Example:
// view text "I hate Mondays!" on each Monday with color #FFFFA0
$myCal->viewEventEach(2, "#FFFFA0", "I hate Mondays!");
It is possible to add two or more events within the same time period. In this case, the color and link settings of the event that has been added last will be used.

Finally create the calendar:
echo $myCal->create();
